The studio will open 15 minutes before the first class for the day.
North Beach School of Dance will not be responsible for any accident or injury resulting from participation in dance. This includes activities with the dance studio, or in other places designated by the School.
North Beach School of Dance cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings. Do not bring valuables to the school.
Pets are not allowed in the studio building or on studio premises.
Billing & Financial
- There are FOUR tuition payments per year, based on a nine-month schedule (September through May). Tuition due dates will be outlined on the studio calendar.
- Tuition for the Daycare Classes are paid on a monthly basis. Tuition due dates will be outlined in the tuition breakdown sheet provided by the Executive Director.
- Payments are due regardless of attendance and holidays.
- A grace period of 5 consecutive days will be honored. Payments received after that 5 day grace period will result in a $25 administrative fee. If your payment is not received after the grace period, the student may not be permitted to participate in class.
- Returned checks will incur a $30 service charge payable to the studio as well as any related bank fees; All future payments have to be made by cash, credit card or money order.
- Payments by check or money order can be mailed to P.O. box 578, North Beach, MD 20714 or dropped in our payment box at the front office.
- Payments made online or over the phone require a $3 convenience fee that must be added to the total during checkout. It is NOT automatically added.
- All payments can be made during office hours. Please do not leave payments at the door; nor at the residence of staff members. Do not push payments under the studio door. Teachers will not accept payments.
- Invoices will not be sent via USPS or email unless the account is late. Accounts must be current in order for students to participate in classes.
Prompt Pick-up
Please be prompt in picking up students after class. Students are not allowed to leave the studio between or after class until a parent arrives to pick them up. Please call the studio if you are running late for pick up.
Written authorization must be submitted to the Executive Director in order for students to leave the building unsupervised. Students who drive themselves to and from classes will be allowed to leave the building without written authorization on file.
Regular class attendance is a must to achieve satisfactory results in dance. Students are asked to be prompt for classes. If a student must leave early, please inform the teacher or Executive Director before class begins. A student arriving later than 10 minutes after class begins will not be allowed to participate in class.
Absences & Make-up Classes
Absences resulting from injury or illness will be excused and may be made up in regularly scheduled classes within two weeks of return. Please notify the studio if it is known ahead of time that a student will be absent from class.
Students can attend make up class at their level or lower, and must be made up at a time after the missed class, not before. Classes missed for holidays will not be able to be made up. The student must give the teacher a make up slip upon entering the make up class. Slips are available on the bulletin board or at the front office.
Weather Related Class Cancellations
We follow the Calvert County Public School schedule for INCLEMENT weather only. Holidays and breaks are determined by the Executive Director, not by the school schedule. When in doubt, please check our calendar for a full list of studio closure dates, breaks and holidays.
If after-school activities only are canceled, please check the school’s Facebook page (NBSD Facebook Page) then your email. We will only send notifications if classes are cancelled. If you do not receive any information then classes are held as scheduled.
Students have two weeks to make up classes cancelled due to weather. The make up class must be at the student’s level or lower. Make up slips are on the bulletin board in the lobby. Students must give the slips to the teacher when entering class.
Discipline and Student Behavior
- No chewing gum is allowed in the classroom; no running, playing, loud talking, or eating in the studio and waiting area.
- Cell phones are not to be used while students are at the studio. Phones must be turned off in the dressing room and are not allowed to be used during water breaks. If a student needs to contact their parents, they should either ask to use the phone in the office or ask for permission to use their phones from the Executive Director. If a student is caught using their cell phone during class time, their phone will be confiscated and a parent will be required to collect the phone at the end of class.
- Students are not permitted outside the studio without adult supervision.
- Each class will start promptly and there will be no interruptions.
- All dancers should use the bathroom before class.
If a child displays an uncooperative attitude (shown in any manner), she/he will be excused from class and the parents will be contacted.
Right to Refuse Policy: North Beach School of Dance reserves the right to suspend, dismiss, or refuse services to any student, parent, guardian or individual whose attitude or behavior conflicts with the standards of NBSD or whose actions are deemed detrimental to others or the school as a whole.
NBSD maintains a zero tolerance policy towards tobacco, drugs and alcohol.
Cell Phone Policy
Students are not allowed to use cell phones while at the studio. Phones must be turned off in the dressing room and are not allowed to be used, including during water breaks or breaks between classes.
If a student needs to contact their parents, they should either ask to use the phone in the office or ask for permission to use their phones from the Executive Director.
If a student is caught using their cell phone in any place outside of the lobby, their phone will be confiscated and a parent will be required to collect the phone at the end of class.
Newsletters/Spring Production Information/Forms/Rehearsals
All newsletters, Spring Production information, forms, and rehearsal schedules will be available on our website and sent via email.
Private Classes
Private classes are available for students ages 9 and older. They are scheduled at the office and subject to teacher and studio availability. Payment is due at the time of the reservation, via check or cash only. Rescheduling must be made at least 48 hours prior to the originally scheduled appointment. No refund will be given if you fail to reschedule within the appropriate time frame.
Summer Programs
The studio offers several weeks of dance classes for beginners and intermediate students. Information about classes will be posted on our website and sent via email.
Refund Policy
Tuition and all other fees are non-refundable and non-transferable; these include but are not limited to: tuition, master classes, costume fees, production fees, ensemble fees, summer programs, summer classes, tickets and school sponsored events. If a student is dismissed from North Beach School of Dance because of unacceptable behavior, no refunds will be given. In the case of prolonged illness or severe injury, verification by a doctor’s certificate will be needed. Each case will be evaluated individually by the Executive Director.
All parents and visitors must remain in the studio lobby. Please do not pass into the hallway unless using the bathroom. Staff and Students are the only people allowed beyond the waiting room. Observation classes will be during the months of January and February. The class observation schedule will be posted on the website and sent via email. We encourage students and parents from the other levels to observe Vaganova II & III classes.
If you would like to arrange a conference with the Executive Director or a teacher, please inquire at the front desk. Spontaneous conferences with teachers when parents come to pick up students infringe on class time. Please call or email to arrange a conference.
There is a 2-hour parking limit in the Town of North Beach. Please adhere to North Beach parking rules. Please be sure not to park in any parking area marked “residential” or in the condo parking lot. Plenty of parking is available on Bay Avenue, Chesapeake Avenue and the Senior Center on Chesapeake Avenue. A limited number of visitor parking is available on 3rd Street. Please do not block any driveways, or double park for an extended period of time.
Studio Rental
Studio rental is available upon request. All requests should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director.